How could this be? We are certain that each child in this place has
been chosen by God to be here. To cut through the maze of bureaucracy
and with all the hurdles that present themselves as each child is
considered for placement in this village, it is amazing that ANY
child comes through the gates. We are certain that each child here has
been placed in this orphanage for a special purpose; that they will have
the opportunity to do some great work in the Kingdom. This village
places a high emphasis on quality education; it is basically a
college-prep institution, with the long term goal of preparing these
children for godly leadership in their country.
So how could this be? Here was a sweet little boy who probably
would never be a clever CEO or a discerning Supreme Court Justice or a
dynamic preacher or a brilliant surgeon. Very possibly, this child might
not even finish eighth grade. What special job could there be for
him? Swinging back and forth with my friend, I considered these
And suddenly, it came to me and I understood!
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said "the first shall be last."
There was a lot of discussion about this statement in our Bible study,
and several different thoughts were shared. One idea was that part of
what Jesus was telling the disciples with that declaration was "Hey,
there is nothing the same about my Kingdom. It is totally different from
this world that you are used to! Like the first will be last, and the
last will be first; and to be great, you have to be humble and serve
others; don't hate your enemies, but in the Kingdom, you love your
enemies!" Jesus said to stop making things so difficult: just remember
to love God first with your whole being, and then love others. He
said those that self exalt themselves here will be humbled later, and
those humbled here in this world will be exalted in the Kingdom.
It occurred to me while sitting on that swing with this precious
child of God that I had been thinking like the world. I was not "Kingdom
thinking." With God's eyes, when He sees my little friend, He sees the
potential of a young man who loves others without judging. God sees
this boy as one who CAN accomplish whatever work God has set for him to
do in the Kingdom. God knows the abilities of this child. He knows his
weaknesses and strengths, and God will use them for the Kingdom.
My thoughts rambled on: is the Sunday school teacher less important
than the preacher? Not in the Kingdom. Is the janitor less important
than the choir director? Not in the Kingdom. Is
the school secretary less important than the Minister of Education? Not
in the Kingdom. In the Kingdom, nothing is as it seems here in this
world. So is a "perfect" child (whatever that is) more important than
one who has learning disabilities? Not in the Kingdom. "The first shall
be last".
As the swing lazily drifted back and forth, I was filled with awe. I
held upon my lap a person who had a great destiny before him. I may
never know what purpose this boy will someday fulfill, but I have no
doubt that as a member of the Kingdom of God, he will do great things.
My young friend grinned up at me, and I thought how God had ALREADY used
this boy to teach an important lesson.