Monday, June 9, 2008

A Gecko Named Nuisance!

Starting to get to know the native staff workers here on the Rafiki compound. Last week, I was introduced to a guard whose name was Honest. I was kind of hoping for 'Bruno,' 'Hefty' or 'Bubba,' but 'Honest' is a good name for a guard, too. Later I discovered that his name was really Earnest! This was after several days of calling the fella 'Honest!' As you can tell, I do not understand what the locals are saying much of the time. 'Earnest' is a good name for a guard, too, but in my head he will always be 'Honest.'

I do enjoy the names of people. There is a child here named Anna Blessing; the laundry gal is named Comfort; Sunday is a groundskeeper; Patience is a hospital administrator; two children being considered for placement here are named Hope and Grace (not sisters). I think this is a wonderful idea! Maybe if in the States people would stop naming children after actresses and entertainers (who usually have questionable lifestyles!) and consider naming their kids after the Fruits of the Spirit, well, maybe children would have something to live up to! Just a random thought...

Here is a picture of the school children in front of the flagpole. They begin each day at the flagpole (unless it is raining) with the Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, Lord's Prayer, and a hymn. Nice way to begin school. Then they line up and walk to the classroom. The teacher is Joanne Colvin, who also is the Village Director here in Liberia. She has a wonderfully decorated room with many books and is teaching the kids basics, like numbers and the alphabet. The children like school, and are learning how to listen and obey. For most of them, this is their first experience with school, so every behavior has to be taught.

The kids are afraid of geckos! I am feeling pretty good about myself, as this is about the only thing in Africa that I am not afraid of! Probably because of those commercials on TV with the talking gecko selling the insurance. He seems so friendly! Now don't get me wrong...I will not TOUCH a gecko, but at least I don't hyperventilate when I see one. Anyways, there are geckos sometimes in the children's bathrooms at school, and that can be very disruptive. Eight kids freaking out!

Well, that is all for today.
Wishing all who read this a fabulous day.