It has been three months since Dave pulled the plug on the old satellite dish and began the simple five hour project of assembling the new dish.
Three months, three receivers, two BUCs, two modems, and a partridge in a pear tree later, it is finally up and running! Yea!
It is nice to have Internet access on site again. Although we will miss having the weekly excuse to go to the Firestone Rubber Tree Plantation
Country Club to use their Internet. That visit usually included dinner. We will miss the Chicken MaraBelle (yummy baked chicken on a bed of
Liberian spicy rice), but we will trade chicken for connections with the States any day!
Here is a picture of Dave battling his nemesis. This picture will make any OSHA safety inspector go into full cardiac arrest, but here, in Liberia, where
it is not uncommon to see four men sitting on the hood of a speeding car or two men perched atop a 30 foot metal frame, no ropes, just welding away
without goggles, Dave's safety violations see rather tame. Still, though, we do not suggest you try this at home!
Wishing you all safe day!
Dave and Babs