Things we are thankful for:
--for dry beds at night.
--for English teachers who expected us to use proper annunciation and grammar.
--for children who actually seem to miss us! (or at least fake it well)
--for the ability to read and write.
--for wonderful family and good friends.
--for the health to work hard.
--for a rich Christian heritage.
--for the occasional Pop Tart.
--for hair coloring (thanks, Diane S.)
--for ministers, Sunday school teachers, catechism instructors, Bible leaders who taught us Truth.
--for avocado trees that are actually growing.
--for nationals who like us even when we do something really stupid.
--for internet access.
--for eyesight to enjoy the awesome Liberian sky.
--for the laughter of children.
--for air conditioning at night.
--for Liberians who model such humility and honesty in prayer
--for plenty to eat.
--for indoor plumbing.
--for sunscreen.
--for Adirondack chairs.
--for the assurance of salvation and the joy of life now.
Hoping your Thanksgiving Day is blessed and full of thanksgiving to our wonderful God, the Great Provider of all good things.
Love, Dave & Babs